Thursday 25 October 2018

Why You Need Vendor Management System & Common Mistakes To Avoid

A Vendor Management Software, or shortly called VMS, is an essential part of every business. The software system is designed to automate daily business activities related to managing different vendors. Most of the companies work with several or maybe even tens of vendors and managing them needs a lot of time and energy. I won't be surprised if you are reading this post because you are looking for a vendor management software. Here, I will share my experience on how a great software for vendor management helps to run a business effectively. We will also talk about common mistakes most people make when choosing the management software.

Why Every Business Needs An Effective Software for Managing Vendors

Whether you own a small startup or you are managing a big international company, I am sure you are extremely busy with day-to-day operations. Time is money, they say and by saving time you save money. That's exactly what VMS does, saves your precious time. By choosing the right vendor management software, you automate billing and invoicing systems. The software also helps to track and analyze the work your vendors do on daily basis. You don't have to spend hours collecting information from different contractors and putting them into a special database - vendor management system will do it for you!

Common Mistakes When Choosing Software for Vendor Management

Now that we have discussed the core benefits and advantages of VMS, let's discuss the most widely spread mistakes people make when purchasing software for vendor management. For effective and timely functioning you must choose the right solution that perfectly fits your organization' special needs and working style.

Mistake Number Two: Not Defining Goals and Needs Of Your Business

Whether you want to automate the process of vendor management, including billing and invoicing system, or you need to replace an already existing but malfunctioning solution, you must determine the goals that your business has in prior. Understand what you want to get from your VMS. Before purchasing a software for vendor management, get a clear vision of what type of information and data you need your VMS to collect and analyze. Otherwise, with a wide range of systems available in the modern market, you may end up with the wrong system.

Mistake Number Two: Not Knowing Prices of Effective VMS

After you have determined the goal of your business, it's time to get a clear vision of how much you are willing to pay for the software. The most widely spread mistake people make is not making a good research about VMS providers. Try to negotiate with as many companies as you can, having several options is always a good idea!

Mistake Number Three: Failing To Integrate VMS in Already Existing System

When you decide to purchase a new VMS, make sure that it fits correctly within your established workflow. Be sure to pay enough attention to its implementation to ensure all functions and services are working properly and effectively.

Source: Click Here

Monday 15 October 2018

What is Recruitment Process Outsourcing?

As a human resource manager you are always under the pressure, asked to always provide good quality of recruitment and come up with new ideas for better management. So, if you are the one who is looking for some innovational ways of recruitment process, this article will be helpful for you. We will be talking about recruitment process outsourcing.
Before we go any further, let us define recruitment process outsourcing for you. It is one of the new forms of business process outsourcing. In this process employers transfer all or part of its recruitment processes to somebody else, so called external provider. As you can already tell, recruitment process outsourcing is not a traditional way of recruitment, it is rather new. Actually, it has been around for just about ten years, no more.

What are some benefits you, as an HR and the part of the company, are going to get from this type of recruitment?

· Reduced costs: no doubt, recruitment and staffing is important for the company, but it consumes too many resources, including time and costs, of human resource manager. This is why many companies nowadays choose recruitment process outsourcing, also called RPO. RPO provider will help you find better ways to hire and recruit people, with less effort. some companies spend a fortune on job boars, headhunters or waste most of their money on high turnover rates. Other lack advanced technologies, what makes them waste their time on long hiring process. Do not stress out, let recruitment process outsourcing provider to this job for you.
  • Consistency – with very company recruiting the way the like, candidates are confused most of the time during the process. They have been to many interviews, but something new kept happening every single time. Now they don’t know where they stand, what’s going to happen next and how to prepare themselves for this process. To say it shortly, recruitment process became unpleasant for them. With RPO you can easily deal with this problem and make more candidates willing to apply. RPO provider will make this process consistent and predictable. Other than candidates, this is also really good for the organization itself. With RPO everyone knows how candidates are chosen and hired.
  • Increased candidate quality – good candidate is so much more than just suitable education and experience; every human resource manager knows this. However, often they get so many candidates that it becomes impossible to really look for the great ones. When you are choosing a person to hire, you really need to look into their characteristic and past achievements. This becomes easily possible with RPO methods.
  • Experience – this particular one may not apply to big organizations with a lot of experience, but may be the key point to start-up businesses. Chances are you are not that experienced in requiting and you need someone skillful to help you with this process. With RPO provider you will avoid common mistakes inexperienced HRs make.
Source: Click Here

Monday 8 October 2018

Factors to Consider When Selecting a Time And Attendance System

Time attendance solution systems are programs integrated by administrators of organizations to track workers time, saving time and money that can be used elsewhere for development. Enhancing the system in the corporations increases the level of management since it makes it efficient. 
Time and attendance systems maximize profits due to the efficiency ability. It substantially solves administrative havocs in managing the payroll system by minimizing ultimately the mistakes normally done by employees.
On top of that, it also administers workers schedules by adjusting even in scenarios where there are constant changes. The system is designed in a way that managers can access employee’s information regarding their records and behaviors during work times. Institutions that have shifted from the old methods of monitoring time and attendance of their workers experience uncountable benefits. There are factors that one should consider when selecting the system to develop and it includes;

1. It’s durability

Many a time’s workers by themselves install the systems to their machines to access services. The magnitude of manipulation increases significantly due to time and other factors. To cope up with this hindrance situation, always ensure you inquire from the specialists the software that automatically updates after a given period. It should serve the management to its perfection for the specified period of time that would be required. Therefore, it should be reliable from time to time.

2. Designated work environment

The hygiene level of the work surrounding is a crucial factor due to other sensitive procedures that follow. One of the processes that occur in the biometric recording which usually does not function in places where workers operating hands are dirty. This is because errors would be obtained since the unit would not be unable to take correct readings with the dirty hands. There would be an imperfect match of the information stored in the database system later when normalizing. In this place, non-biometric systems would be a preference to avoid the incomplete records. One should first identify the environment to get the best-designed system.

3. The software should be easy to understand

In order to ensure the system is inclusive, and the software should be designed in a user-friendly manner to ensure employees can key in there in and out times quickly without much hustle. Also, the specialists handling the payroll should be consulted to ensure they are conversant with the planned system. The systems professionals should conduct an orientation and training of its members to ensure transparency to everyone. The software should be easy to understand and operate to open room for workers for the change.

4. Should be able to complete workforce information

The aim of incorporating the system is to ensure that all the relevant data regarding time and attendance is collected in one center. This will help the workers to discharge their duties without moving from one place to another looking for information from various sources. Having one designated data collection center will guarantee complete workforce information at long last. This is a crucial factor that administrators should significantly consider before integrating the time and attendance systems to their corporation.

To wrap it all, managers should be at the forefront in ensuring the above-discussed factors are considered before integrating the time and attendance systems to ensure there is efficiency. Let us examine these factors to get a reliable and suitable system.

Source: Click Here